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Customer Testimonial

Most times when a consumer has a problem with a contractor they will willingly turn to the Department of Consumer Protection to intervene on their behalf. In most situations where they are content with the work done, they will pay the contractor and end the relationship there.

It is rare that the consumer will commend in writing a contractor that has satisfied the consumer. However, that is what I wish to do here. I recently had my deck renovated, and my side entrance stairway restored. The work was done by David Halperin, of Cross County Woodworking.

I wish to commend him and his staff on a very professional job. Not only did they complete the work quickly and efficiently, they went above and beyond to satisfy our every request.

So please add a commendation to this company’s file so that other consumers will know that Cross County Woodworking should be seriously considered when they are searching for a company to do home improvements.

Thank you!

Satisfied Customer
New City, NY

You can also view more of our deck work at

20 Gunther Avenue · Yonkers, NY 10704
20 Midway Road · Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977

Phone: 914.447.4671

For more information contact us at

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